Author: Nick

  • Download WordPress VIP database to local install

    First, download what you need via VaultPress and then merge the files with the following command in the terminal. (It helps to name filename.sql to the database name you are going to import to). If you don’t want to overwrite the current database, comment out the previous one and create a new one in wp-config.php:…

  • Website not loading after clone in WP Engine control panel

    If this happened to you like it did to me don’t assume – like I did – that WP Engine’s clone tool does a search and replace on your database to update the URL too. Instead, when I spoke to WP Engine support they suggested it had to be done as a separate step. Me:…

  • Convert .pfx SSL certificate to .cer

    From the command line, replacing the filename as necessary (you will need the password for the certificate, if one is assigned): If the above does not generate a certificate for you along with the private key, try adding the -legacy flag, like this: I needed to do this to convert a .pfx SSL certificate for…

  • People’s Expensive NFTs Keep Vanishing. This Is Why

    Source: People’s Expensive NFTs Keep Vanishing. This Is Why

  • Automated Google PageSpeed Insights [Updated Sheets Template] | UpBuild

    Source: Automated PageSpeed Insights [Updated Sheets Template] | UpBuild

  • PHP_CodeSniffer for WordPress VIP Go

    phpcs –standard=WordPress-VIP-Go -sp –basepath=. –ignore=vendor path/to/your/code Source: Install PHP_CodeSniffer for WordPress VIP · WordPress VIP Documentation

  • Change text in Excel to Sentence Case

    In cell B2, type =PROPER(A2), then press Enter. Source: Change the case of text – Office Support

  • Excel: Remove Everything After a Character 

    =LEFT(A1, FIND(“?”, A1&”?”)-1) Source: Excel: Remove Everything After a Character (like a question mark, comma or underscore) – Jeff Clark’s Blog

  • Why are CSS margins not collapsing?

    Flex items’ margins won’t collapse. When flex items wrap, they create their own row, and the individual margins on the flex items won’t collapse between rows. Only normal, adjacent block elements stacked will margin collapse the way you’re intending. This is a good reference – You can create the same layout by removing the…