Bookcision: Export/Download Your Kindle Highlights

If you’re a geek (like me) on highlighting / making notes in Kindle books, this a good way to save them all elsewhere:

2 responses to “Bookcision: Export/Download Your Kindle Highlights”

  1. Nathan Avatar

    Hey Nick,

    I didn’t know you worked with Jon Nastor before. He is a good friend of mine. We are also in a mastermind group. Small world!

    Anyways, I saw your post on google about Kindle highlights and thought you may be interested in my iOS app, Snippefy. It extracts Kindle highlights and exports to Evernote, Dropbox, and email.

    Take care and talk soon!

    1. Nick Avatar

      Hey Nathan, great to hear from you.

      I’ve heard about what you were doing from Jon before and it sounds really interesting, I’d love to chat sometime if you want to give me a shout (nick at nick davis dot co).

      It was funny actually because when I Googled the name of your app again (after Jon mentioning it) I could see that I’d already visited your page in my quest to extract notes from the Kindle (small world!)

      Unfortunately I couldn’t try it (though it looks like the perfect solution) because I’m still on the UK App Store and it’s not available on there for me (got a ‘you must change to the US App Store message’ and also tried to find it directly on the UK App Store but no luck).

      I don’t know if you have some legal or technical restriction on making it available in other countries but if you are able to let me know as I’d love to try it.

