Difference between VBURST and VPS-1 Pagely plans
VBURST uses AWS T3 processors (https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/instance-types/t3/), which aren’t as powerful as the VPS-1. Same amount of cores, but they throttle after a certain usage (cpu credits) which is tracked in your Atomic dashboard. If your sites are very cacheable and you’re not pushing a ton of traffic, it should work fine. You also don’t get…
Download latest copy of database on Pagely
Thank you for contacting Pagely. There are three primary means of downloading a database export: phpMyAdmin’s “Export” feature. This is accessible at the location below in conjunction with your Atomic Control Panel username and password: https://p1265-admin.pagelyhosting.com/login.php Our Atomic Control Panel’s Backups Area WordPress App Backups and Restoration WP-CLI during an SSH session Exporting Databases with…
Right and left align menu items in a single container
This technique will also preserve the order of your menu items. Whereas if you’d just floated some menu items to the right, the order of the right aligned items (if there were more than one) would now be wrong. Of course, this technique doesn’t just apply to menus but it seems to be the most…
Add a comma after the testimonial name displayed by the Testimonials by WooThemes widget
Depending on the settings you’re using in the widget, by default the widget’s output may read: Nick Davis iamnickdavis.com Instead this adds a comma after the name field and makes it more readable, like so: Nick Davis, iamnickdavis.com [gist id=”95025ffe1662f393f5065308a11b837e”]